We stopped by to meet with our Sales Representative (SR) on Sunday, July 26th. We totally only planned to discuss a few options we wanted to change and sign a contingency contract. We had our eyes on two lots, mostly flat lots with the walk-out basement option. We were really hoping for a flat lot because we're entertaining the idea of building a pool in the future. Before I could process what was happening we were signing a contract to secure our lot. Oh shit! What did we just do? We don't even have an offer on our house yet.
Are we flippin' cray cray?
Us on our lot making it official. |
Our SR was amazing and discussed our concerns and several possible situations with us. I left feeling a little more confident about our decision. To say I love our lot is an understatement. We'll only have a neighbor on one side. SWEET!!! It's directly in front of the cul-de-sac that my friend lives on. I'll have peace of mind knowing I can watch the kids while they play. Now that the shock is wearing off I'm excited about our new adventure. I won't lie to you...I was afraid I was going to blow chunks on the model home floor that day. That would have been embarrassing.
I've been looking at blogs and Pinterest like a mad woman getting ideas. Realized there were a few more changes we wanted to make. Who would have ever thought to put an outlet in the master closet and stair landing? Clearly I didn't. So we went back to meet with our SR this Sunday and discussed a few things. We're doing the stone fireplace now! I'm excited because it's an extra place for me to put my Christmas decorations. I am a Christmas FANATIC! We've put in a non-standard request to do a 5 ft shower and keep the window in the master bathroom. We're not really tub people but I love the window. Fingers crossed that they'll approve it.
The last thing we did before leaving was pick our exterior colors. It's funny how you have a color scheme in mind but it doesn't work out that way. I thought we were going to go with Graphite Gray siding, Silver Mist shake, and black shutters. Well that's a really popular color combo and we don't want a cookie cutter house. Jason liked Irish Thistle but I wasn't convinced. I preferred Sandy Tan siding, Pepple Clay shake, with black shutters and doors. It looked good until we took the samples outside. Don't worry, we were able to pick something without a fight breaking out. Our next meeting is tomorrow with our loan officer. I pray it all goes smoothly.
Irish Thistle siding, Silver Mist shake, Ridge Ledgestone Gray Blend stone, black shutters and door. |
So now we wait. We wait for showings on our current house. We wait for a loan approval on our new house. We wait for a contract on current house. I'm not so sure how well I'll handle all of this WAITING. I will say there's a benefit to this. Our house is as clean as it's EVER been. My kids are making beds, hubby finished projects, laundry stays done. It's like I've walked into the Twilight Zone. I think aliens abducted my family (but I ain't mad).
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