OMG...where do I start? It's been crazy these past few months. We've had a few trips...the kids just finished up fall sports...I'm wrapping up a busy wedding season for my cake business...AND we're finishing up the house!
Here's a few quick updates:
1. Our beloved sales rep Emma has left the building. She left on good terms but we're sad to see her go. She was so kind and laughed at all of our "house stalking" escapades. We're creepers...what else can I say. She found humor in that and loved it. Our new contact is nice too, but I'm kind of bummed that Emma won't be around to see the final home that she helped us with.
2. We got an offer! We were getting scared because it was getting closer to our closing date and we hadn't received an offer yet. There were about 6 other houses for sale in our neighborhood...ours being the largest...and the activity was really quite sad. We actually had more showing than the other homes but no hard bites. We talked with our realtor and decided to do a final price drop. Within hours of the drop we got word that we another showing lined up. They came out on a Tuesday, then came back for a second showing on that Friday! Friday evening our realtor called with news that we had an offer. The best part, you ask? It was full asking price...of our new price!!! The timing also worked out perfectly. The new owners will close a few days after we close on our new home. God is good, so good!
It's officially under contract! |
3. The house is moving right along. We've had a few small hiccups along the way. The "water closet" aka "toilet room" in the owner's bath was missing a door. Like, it wasn't even framed. It was a huge toilet cubby. Yeah, not happening. One of the windows in the loft was totally different from the other windows on the front of the house. Oh yeah, there was a wall on one side of the shower that shouldn't have been there. Luckily, we caught these issues early (ok, ok...during one of our late night house stalking sessions) and they were fixed right away. Our project manager has been AWESOME.
The shell of the kitchen from last month... |
Dining room and the Mr. from earlier this month... |
Staircase before they stained it. |
4. The hubby is happy. Seriously! This man just got new TVs for his man cave and the rest of the house. He was smiling from ear to ear and I wanted to puke at the counter. We should buy stock in BestBuy. Just saying. I did get a pretty new Samsung fridge with apps. Too bad I just switched to an iPhone. and my craziness. Lol!
We move in the first week of December. My first priority is putting up my Christmas decorations! I am a lover of ALL things Christmas. I have usually already started decorating, so this is pure torture for me. I cannot wait to get in and do my magic!
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